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CAMPUS 02 Fachhochschule der Wirtschaft / CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences

Základné informácie

At CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences in Graz, all relevant business areas are covered by the study programmes in economics and technology. The degrees can be optimally combined with a professional occupation, offering maximum temporal flexibility. The excellent networking with industry and the practice-oriented education ensure broad career prospects for graduates. Prospective students can choose from 8 bachelor's and 6 master's programmes in the five core areas of Automation Technology, Innovation Management, IT & Business Informatics, Financial & Management Accounting, and Marketing & Sales. For those who want to study in English, the bachelor's program in Smart Automation offers the opportunity to familiarize themselves with computer science, electronics, and automation technology.

Študijné typy

Kontaktné informácie

Názov CAMPUS 02 Fachhochschule der Wirtschaft / CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences
Ulice Körblergasse 126
PSČ 8010
Mesto Graz
Štát Rakousko
Telefón +43 316 6002-726
E-mail at@campus02.at
Web www.campus02.at
Typ školy univerzita
Certifikát školy

Na ktorom veľtrhu školu uvidíte

Gaudeamus Bratislava 2024

XXVII. ročník,
Incheba Expo Bratislava
08.10 - 10.10.2024

Stánok č. 23


Department Innovation Management

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Department Automation Technology

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Študijné programy

Názov programu Študijné typy Typ štúdia Forma štúdia Jazyk štúdia
Automation Technology Bakalárske Kombinované Nemčina
Automation Technology-Business Magisterské Kombinované Nemčina
Business Analytics & AI Bakalárske Prezenčné Nemčina
Business Informatics Bakalárske Kombinované Nemčina
Business Software Development Bakalárske Prezenčné Nemčina
Digital Marketing Management Magisterské Kombinované Nemčina

Súbory na stiahnutie
