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University of Hertfordshire

Názov University of Hertfordshire
Ulice College Line
Mesto Harfield
Kraj Hertfordshire
Štát Velká Británie
Web www.herts.ac.uk
Typ školy univerzita
Certifikát školy

Ďalšie informácie

Súbory na stiahnutie


Life and Medical Sciences

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Business School

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Health and Social Work

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Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics

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Engineering and Computer Science

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Hertfordshire Law School

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Creative Arts School

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Študijné programy

Názov programu Typ štúdia Forma štúdia Jazyk štúdia
Accounting - BA (Hons)
Accounting and Finance - BA (Hons)
Accounting with Eastern Language (Japanese, Mandarin) - BA (Hons)
Accounting with European Language (French, German, Spanish) - BA (Hons)
Accounting/Economics - BA (Hons)
Advanced Computer Science - MSc
Advanced Computer Science with Advanced Research - MSc
Advanced Computer Science with Placement Year - MSc
Advancing Clinical Pharmacy Practice - MSc
Advancing Clinical Pharmacy Practice with Extended Placement - MSc
Aerospace Engineering - BEng (Hons)
Aerospace Engineering - MEng
Aerospace Engineering - MSc
Aerospace Engineering with Space Technology - BEng (Hons)
Aerospace Engineering with Space Technology - MEng
Aerospace Systems Engineering - BEng (Hons)
Aerospace Systems Engineering - MEng
Aerospace Systems Engineering with Pilot Studies - BEng (Hons)
Aerospace Systems Engineering with Pilot Studies - MEng
Aerospace Technology with Management - BSc (Hons)

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