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ŠTÚDIUM v zahraničí


Príďte sa zoznámiť so svetovými univerzitami
a ich ponukou. Štúdium v zahraničí vám otvorí dvere do sveta!



Unilink je jediné poradenské centrum pre vysokoškolské štúdium v zahraničí, ktoré svoje služby poskytuje úplne zadarmo. Tím poradenského centra je zložený z absolventov a študentov britských univerzít, ktorí svoje skúsenosti chcú odovzdávať ďalej a uľahčovať tak prijímacie konanie a štúdium na zahraničných univerzitách ďalším nadšeným a nádejným študentom zo Slovenskej republiky.

Unilink ponúka štúdium na viac ako 50 partnerských univerzitách z Veľkej Británie, Írska, Nemecka a UAE! Univerzity zastúpené v stánku poradenského centra nájdete v zozname vystavovateľov.


Brno unlink

S čím vám poradíme?


Vybrať vhodnú univerzitu
a študijný odbor


Splniť podmienky
k prijatiu


Prejsť prijímacím


Vyriešiť financovanie školného a zažiadať
o dostupné štipendiá


Otestovať angličtinu
a prípadne poradiť,
čo a ako zlepšiť


Zariadiť ubytovanie
a poradiť s brigádou v okolí


Pomôcť s výberom leteniek
a transfera z letiska
priamo na univerzitu


Zabezpečiť všetko potrebné
pred odletom


Vybaviť status študenta
na Slovensku




InterStudy – štúdium v Holandsku, Dánsku, Belgicku, V. Británii, Fínsku a Nemecku

Zastúpenie zahraničných vysokých škôl pre SR: kontaktný bod pre uchádzačov, vybavovanie prihlášok , kompetentné poradenstvo na základe 18-ročných skúseností,  poradenstvo pri vybavovaní ubytovania, cesty, uznania štúdia slovenskými úradmi, a so všetkým, čo potrebujete pre úspešný nástup na zahraničnú univerzitu. www.interstudy.sk




Gajova 4

811 09 Bratislava




Tel.: 02-5262 2611

Instagram: interstudy_sk

Facebook: www.facebook.com/interstudy


InterStudy je oficiálnym zástúpením týchto vysokých škôl:


  • The Hague University of Applied Sciences
  • NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences
  • Hanze University of Applied Sciences
  • HZ University of Applied Sciences
  • Inholland University of Applied Sciences
  • Fontys University of Applied Sciences
  • Saxion University of Applied Sciences
  • Haarlem Campus


  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  • Howest University of Applied Sciences
  • Karel de Grote University of Applied Sciences and Arts 


  • Häme University of Applied Sciences
  • LUT University


  • VIA University College Horsens
  • VIA Design Herning
  • International Business Academy Kolding

Veľká Británia

  • Aberystwyth University
  • Anglia Ruskin University
  • British & Irish Modern Music Institute
  • Canterbury Christ Church University
  • City University of London
  • Coventry University
  • De Montfort University
  • London Metropolitan University
  • London South Bank University
  • Middlesex University London
  • Northeastern University London
  • Nottingham Trent University
  • St Mary’s University London
  • University for the Creative Arts
  • University of Aberdeen
  • University of Bedfordshire
  • University of Birmingham
  • University of the Creative Arts
  • University of Essex
  • University of Greenwich
  • University of Hertfordshire
  • University of Liverpool
  • University of Portsmouth
  • University of Roehampton
  • University of South Wales
  • University of Sunderland
  • University of Westminster, London
  • University of the West of England, Bristol
  • University of Winchester
  • University of Worcester
  • York St John University


  • SRH Hochschule Heidelberg
  • SRH Hochschule Nordrhein-Westfalen, Dortmund
  • SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences
  • EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht , Oestrich-Winkel


  • Yamanashi Gakuin University, Int. College of Liberal Arts


cambridge study

V Cambridge Study ťa prevedieme cestou za poznaním, skúsenosťami, lepším životom a spoločnosťou lepšou pre všetkých. Posielame ťa do bezpečného a overeného prostredia a poradíme, ako si to môže dovoliť každý na základe vlastných skúseností. Zameriavame sa na sprostredkovanie stredoškolského a univerzitného štúdia vo Veľkej Británii, Holandsku, Dánsku, Švédsku, Fínsku, Taliansku, Nemecku či Španielsku, a tiež ponúkame jazykové kurzy v zahraničí pre študentov, mladých ľudí a dospelých. Prečo ti vieme tak dobre poradiť? Všetkým, čo ťa v zahraničí očakáva, sme si prešli sami. Či už si si vybral/a krajinu, alebo skôr máš predstavu, čo presne by si sa chcel/a na pobyte v zahraničí naučiť, po rozhovore s nami už budeš mať jasno vo všetkom.

Všetko o štúdiu v Holandsku

Zoznam partnerských univerzít Cambridge Study




Fachhochschule Burgenland / University of Applied Sciences Burgenland

  • Department of Business Studies
  • Department of Information Technology
  • Department of Social Work
  • Department of Energy and Environment
  • Department of Health


AIM - Austrian Institute of Management


Fachhochschule Salzburg / Salzburg University of Applied Sciences

  • Faculty of Business and Social Sciences
  • Faculty of Health Studies
  • Faculty of Engineering
  • Faculty of Design, Media and Arts


Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt / University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt

  • Faculty of Engineering
  • Faculty of Sport
  • Faculty of Security
  • Faculty of Business
  • Faculty of Health


IMC Fachhochschule Krems / IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems

  • Faculty of Health
  • Faculty of Business
  • Faculty of Digitalisation and Engineering
  • Faculty of Life Sciences


International College of Tourism and Management


Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems / The University College of Teacher Education Vienna/Krems

  • Department of Initial Teacher Education Vienna
  • Department of Initial Teacher Education Krems
  • Department of Religious Education - Christian Denominations
  • Department of Islamic Religion
  • Department of Jewish Religion
  • Department of Alevitical Religion
  • Department of Continuous Teacher Education
  • Department of Research and Development
  • Centre for Continuous Education and Advanced Training


ÖHV-TRAINEE Tourismuskolleg


Österreich Institut


Technische Universität Wien / TU Wien

  • Faculty of Civil Engineering
  • Faculty of Technical Chemistry
  • Faculty of Informatics
  • Faculty of Physics
  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
  • Faculty of Mathematics and Geoinformation
  • Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
  • Faculty of Architecture and Planning


WU Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien / Vienna University of Economics and Business

  • Department of Economics
  • Department of Finance, Accounting and Statistics
  • Department of Foreign Language Business Communication
  • Department of Global Business and Trade
  • Department of Information Systems and Operations Management
  • Department of Management
  • Department of Marketing
  • Department of Private Law
  • Department of Public Law and Tax Law
  • Department of Socioeconomics
  • Department of Strategy and Innovation


Slovenská akademická informačná agentúra (SAIA, n. o.):

  • poskytuje poradenstvo pre záujemcov o štúdium v zahraničí,
  • v spolupráci s regionálnymi pracoviskami v Nitre, Žiline, Banskej Bystrici a v Košiciach organizuje semináre a informačné dni o možnostiach štúdia v zahraničí a o štipendijných programoch,
  • propaguje slovenské vysoké školy na vzdelávacích veľtrhoch doma a v zahraničí,
  • vydáva publikácie o štúdiu v zahraničí a mesačník Bulletin SAIA.


Hlavné programy SAIA, n. o.

Akademické mobility - v rámci tohto programu SAIA organizuje výberové konania na štipendijné pobyty na základe bilaterálnych dohôd a ponúk zahraničných vlád a koordinuje prijatia zahraničných štipendistov Ministerstva školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu SR na štipendijné na Slovensku.

Akcia Rakúsko - Slovensko, spolupráca vo vede a vzdelávaní – finančne podporuje projekty a štipendiá pre študentov, doktorandov a výskumníkov.

CEEPUS - Stredoeurópsky výmenný program pre univerzitné štúdiá - podporuje akademické mobility v strednej, východnej a juhovýchodnej Európe.

Národný štipendijný program na podporu mobilít - podporuje mobilitu slovenských a zahraničných študentov, doktorandov, vysokoškolských učiteľov a výskumných a umeleckých pracovníkov.

Servisné centrá EURAXESS pre výskumných pracovníkov – www.euraxess.sk




Business Academy SouthWest
AP degree:

  • Multimedia Design
  • Computer Science

AP degree:

  • Construction Technology
  • Design, Technology and Business

Bachelor degree

  • Climate and Supply Engineering 
  • Software Technology Engineering
  • Architectural Technology and Construction Management
  • Software Technology Engineering

Business Academy Aarhus
AP degree:

  • Multimedia Design

University College Absalon
Bachelor degree:

  • Engineering in Biotechnology
  • International Degree in Teaching

Aarhus University
Bachelor degree:

  • Cognitive Science
  • Economics and Business Administration

University of Southern Denmark
Bachelor degree:

  • Electronics 
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mechatronics 
  • Engineering in Electronics 
  • Engineering in Mechatronics 
  • Engineering in Innovation and Business 
  • Product Development and Innovation – Engineering 
  • International Business Administration and Foreign Languages 
  • Economics and Business Administration – Global Business Relationships
  • European Studies 
  • Market and Management Anthropology


Avans University of Applied Sciences
Bachelor degree:

  • Environmental Science for Sustainable Energy and Technology
  • Finance and Control
  • Industrial Engineering and Management
  • International Business

Breda University of Applied Sciences
Bachelor degree:

  • Bachelor of Science Leisure Studies
  • Bachelor of Science Tourism
  • Built Environment
  • Creative Business
  • Creative Media and Game Technologies
  • Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
  • Hotel Management
  • International Facility Management
  • Leisure and Events Management
  • Logistics Engineering
  • Logistics Management
  • Tourism Management

Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Bachelor degree:

  • Automotive Engineering
  • Communication – International Communication Management
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Finance and Control – International Finance and Control
  • Industrial Design Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering and Management
  • Information and Communication Technology
  • International Business
  • International Business
  • Logistics Engineering
  • Logistics Management – International Fresh Business Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Marketing Management – Digital Business Concepts
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mechatronics
  • Software Engineering and Business Informatics
  • Trend Research and Concept Creation in Lifestyle

HAN University of Applied Sciences
Bachelor degree:

  • Automotive Engineering
  • Communication
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Embedded Systems Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • International Business
  • International Social work
  • Life Science
  • Chemistry

Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen
Bachelor degree:

  • Classical Music
  • Communication and Multimedia Design, major Game Design
  • Creative Media and Game Technologies
  • Design
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering – Sensor Technology
  • Fine Art
  • International Business – 3 years
  • International Business – 4 years
  • International Communication
  • International Facility Management – Service and Building Management
  • International Finance and Control 
  • Jazz
  • Marketing Management
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Physiotherapy
  • Sport Studies

HAS University of Applied Sciences
Bachelor degree:

  • Horticulture and Business Management
  • International Food and Agribusiness

HZ University of Applied Sciences
Bachelor degree:

  • Chemistry
  • Civil Engineering
  • Global Project and Change Management
  • Industrial Engineering and Management
  • Information and Communication Technology
  • International Business
  • Logistics Engineering
  • Tourism Management
  • Water Management 

Inholland University of Applied Sciences
Bachelor degree:

  • Aeronautical Engineering
  • Business Innovation
  • Creative Business
  • Creative Business
  • Information Technology
  • Mathematical Engineering
  • Tourism Management

Saxion University of Applied Sciences
Bachelor degree:

  • Applied Computer Science
  • Creative Media and Game Technologies
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Fashion and Textile Technologies
  • Hotel Management
  • International Business
  • International Business
  • International Finance and Accounting
  • International Human Resource Management
  • Physiotherapy
  • Software Engineering
  • Tourism Management 

The HAGUE University of Applied Sciences
Bachelor degree:

  • European Studies – 3 years
  • European Studies – 4 years
  • Industrial Design Engineering
  • International and European Law
  • International Business – 3 years
  • International Business – 4 years
  • International Communication Management
  • International Financial Management and Control – 3 years
  • International Financial Management and Control – 4 years
  • International Public Management
  • Process and Food Technology – 3 years
  • Process and Food Technology – 4 years
  • Safety and Security Management Studies
  • Sport Studies, International Sport Management
  • User Experience Design


Vrije Univerzita

  • Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and Literary Studies
  • Bachelor of Science in Business Economics: Business and Technology
  • Bachelor of Science in Business Economics: Business and Technology
  • Bachelor of Science in Business Economics: International Business
  • Bachelor of Science in Social Sciences: Communication Studies
  • Bachelor of Science in Social Sciences: Political Sciences
  • Bachelor of Science in Social Sciences: Sociology

Howest University of applied sciences

  • Bachelor of Applied Computer Science – major Cyber Security Professional
  • Bachelor of Creative Technologies & AI
  • Bachelor of Digital Arts and Entertainment: 3D Production and Visual Effects
  • Bachelor of Digital Arts and Entertainment: Game Development
  • Bachelor of Digital Arts and Entertainment: Game Graphics Production
  • Bachelor of Digital Arts and Entertainment: Independent Game Production
  • Bachelor of Digital Design and Development
  • Bachelor of Industrial Product Design

UCLL University of Applied sciences

  • Bachelor of International Business Management, Marketing – track in Belgium
  • Bachelor of International Business Management, Marketing across Europe – track across Europe

KU Leuven

  • Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy
  • Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Religious Studies
  • Bachelor of Science in Business Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology: Chemical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology: Electronics Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology: Elektromechanical Engineering

University of Antwerp

  • Bachelor of Social-Economic Sciences

KdG University of Applied Sciences and Arts

  • Bachelor of International Business Management: International Entrepreneurship
  • Bachelor of International Business Management: Global Supply Chain Management
  • Bachelor of Applied Computer Science
  • Bachelor of International Business Management: Global Business
  • Bachelor of Multimedia and Creative Technologies




Encyklopédia štátov

Každý štát ponúka jedinečné možnosti, skúsenosti a zážitky, ale má aj svoje špecifiká. V každej krajine sú iné podmienky pre zahraničných študentov, náklady na štúdium i podmienky pre vstup do krajiny a pobyt. Na tomto mieste pripravujeme encyklopédiu štátov, ktorá prinesie odpovede na všetky otázky o štúdiu v zahraničí.PODMieNKY šTUDIA V JEDNOTLIVÝCH ŠTÁToCH



Štúdium vo Francúzsku




Studium v Austrálii




Univerzity zahraničné

žádný obrázek

career start bw

Stuttgart, Německo
Detail školy
Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave

Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave

Bratislava, Slovenská republika
Detail školy
žádný obrázek

University of St.Gallen

St.Gallen, Švýcarsko
Detail školy
žádný obrázek

Združenie Informačných a poradenských centier mladých v SR (ZIPCeM)

Detail školy
Všetky registrované školy